Tuesday, October 2, 2007

An arrogant society

Is it just me or is our society arrogant? Arrogance is defined as "offensive display of superiority or self-importance; overbearing pride." Look around you - every day you run into arrogance. We see it in our politicians - who could be any more arrogant than our current president? The man is ignorant and is so arrogant he can't even see it. Our country is run by rich arrogant people who think we as a populace are too stupid to see it. And maybe we are, we keep electing the rich and expect them to take care of the back bone of the country, the working class. Instead, they take advantage of us.

It's been said there are about six rich families that run this country. If you read Michael Bradley's book "Secret Societies Handbook," you learn of groups of what they call "elite" men, mostly white males who meet in secret every year at an undisclosed location. It's been said the security makes the secret service security look like "boy scouts." This is where the rich white males of the world plan and scheme on how they are going to separate us from our hard earned money and put it in their pockets. Very interesting read that will open your eyes to several secret societies who run not only this country but the world. Arrogant SOB'S, all of them.

As a 32 year veteran police officer, I have dealt with arrogance from common people on a daily basis so I feel well qualified to talk about it. I can't remember how many times I have encountered an individual who would tell me "why don't you go out and catch a real criminal" or "I pay your salary" or "I'll have your job for this" - all for doing my job and enforcing the law. Some think they are above the law. I have initiated traffic stops involving attorneys, judges, politicians, doctors and I do not recall a time stopping anyone of them that they did not tell me what they did for a living and how I would pay for giving them a traffic citation or on the more serious side, arresting them for anything from a sex crime (hanging out in a men's public bathroom - you guessed it) to retail theft and sometimes worse. This from people who are supposed to be pillars of the community. We all have our times to be arrogant but the people I am talking about are generally that way all the time.

Police officers are not immune to arrogance as most of you will probably agree. I have seen on numerous occasions officers making arrests on people for POP or what we call "pissing off the police." Arrogance because someone said or did something that was offensive to us but not necessarily illegal. None the less, arrogance is rampant in our society and we deal with it on a daily basis. I hate a person who thinks he is better than another - when he or she is ....arrogant.

I probably should have started off with this but I suppose history is filled with the arrogance of societies throughout the world. I look at American history. The American Indian were living in this country - they were and still are I believe very spiritual people. They believe in "mother earth." They took care of the earth, I doubt if you would see litter around an Indian camp back in those days. They only took from the land what was needed and they said a prayer to any animal they killed asking if it minded if they killed it so they could feed their family. Sounds silly to some I suppose but that was their belief. I respect that. Then we came along from Europe and all parts of the world. Pushing the Indian population westward, killing entire villages and eventually wiping out species of animals that were plentiful, i.e. the Buffalo. In our arrogance and greedy state, our ancestors wiped out millions of the animal to where there are not many left today. We arrogantly took the land from the Indians and put them on a small plot calling it a reservation. It's no wonder we are hated around the world, we are (the French aside) the most arrogant society in the world I believe and that trait alone - well add greed as well, is slowly poisoning our country.

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