Thursday, September 6, 2007

For anyone interested in a career in law enforcement

This is my first attempt at a blog so I thought I would post first and foremost what I know best. As a 32 year veteran of law enforcement I feel the need to enlighten, if you will anyone who is considering a career in this field. What I mean by enlighten is to give you some insight into what the job entails, actual field work, politics and any other information I can pass on. After reading what I have to offer you will be better able to make a more informed decision as to if this job is for you or not. Please give me some feedback if you would be interested in hearing the reality of working as a police officer - maybe what part of the job you are interested in learning about first or even if this would be of interest to anyone at all.

My background includes 15 years in patrol division, five years in undercover narcotics, four years in child abuse investigations and 13 years in arson investigations. I have been through it all, including several internal investigations, which I will be happy to explain to anyone interested. The experience of an internal investigation is not always because someone did something wrong, often they are political beasts ready to tear the head off an unsuspecting otherwise good police officer. Thank you for your interest and input.

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